Plank walk to long lever plank. Trains the rectus abdominus.
Support with forearms, hands flat on ground.
Ab (wheel) rollout
Side plank raise. Trains the obliques.
Support with elbow (may be painful) or hand (no elbow pain, higher range of motion).
Inside (lower) leg with foot slightly forward, supported by foot knife edge. Outside (upper) leg with foot slightly behind, supported by instep. Alternate reps with leg positions reversed (inside leg behind outside leg)
Regress by placing support on an object elevated above the floor
Regress by bending legs so lever is supported by knees rather than feet
Don’t rotate upper body around shoulder
Serratus knee raise
Use parallel bars, rings or two chairs
Lift knees, push shoulder blades out to protraction, rounded back
Support with hands (more strength required in front delts) or forearms (less strength required)