How to Get Brutally Strong at Home (Jeff Cavalliere)
- Straight-Arm Scapular Strength
- Banded straight-arm push-down
- Banded front lever raise
- Horizontal pressing stability
- Pushup saw (fires the front delts)
- Modified planche pushup. Same as pushup saw except with hands rotated backwards (between 45 and 90 degrees)
- Back widow. Lay prone. Raise torso by pushing backwards with elbows, bringing scapulas together. Either reps or static hold.
- Thoracic extension
- Banded walk back
- Banded overhead squat
- Wall slides. Engages muscles of the posterior chain
- Hip rotator strength
- Banded clamshell. Works isolated external rotation of hip
- Adductor slide lunges
- Abductor hip drop
- Overhead press strength
- Face pull
- Banded hi-low pull aparts. Work lower traps.
- Pike pushup. Closed chain.
- Wall handstand pushup
- Wall walk. Slow and controlled movement until chest contacts wall.