When I don’t have access to a pull-up bar, e.g. when traveling, how can I do pulling exercises? Two options: a table or FitKit.

Option 1: Table

If I have access to a sturdy table, I lie on my back with most of my body under the table, shoulders directly under the edge of the table. Using overhand grip, hold onto the edge of the table and perform a row. This option requires the table to have legs at its corners, not a pedestal in the center. If the table lacks sufficient weight, it can tip when loaded by my pulling on the edge. In this case, I bend my legs (feet under knees) to form a bridge and thus reduce the weight on the table.

If the table has a border underneath the edge, this will limit the full range of motion (i.e. can’t touch chest to hands). Also, the table edge is typically squared off not rounded, so that can make the hand grip uncomfortable. So, while not ideal, using a table for performing rows can work.

Option 2: FitKit

A friend showed me a fantastic piece of equipment called FitKit which they use in their apartment. I got one from Amazon for $30. Its design is simple and elegant: two straps with handles at one end. At the other end, a small buckle joins the straps and holds them at the top of a closed door. Since the system is small, it occupies very little space in a carry on suitcase.

In the past, I have mounted pull-up bars in to door frames, but that requires drilling holes which must later be repaired. I was concerned that the buckle might damage the top of the door but, no, it didn’t even leave a mark.

I recorded a short video demonstrating it’s use. Now I can take a quick break from sitting at my desk and do some rows right in my office!